Tag Archives: maternity mishaps

Maternity Mishap: June 28

Holy shit, it’s June 28, which means the year is more than half through and where in the hell is 2012 going and why the hell is it going there so quickly? Work is unbearably slow this week, making for a tortuous return to my 9-5 after a breezy and relaxing week on the beaches […]

Maternity Mishaps: June 7 (a belated bonus)

So in case you don’t live by your appointment calendar, or I don’t know, fell into a pill and booze coma for two days (I don’t know your life), it’s not actually Thursday which means it’s not actually June 7. But, despite the late entry, I didn’t want to bypass this week’s Mishap entirely. And […]

Maternity Mishaps: May 10

So a few months back, I had a bit of a love affair with the Hunger Games trilogy. I read through the first book in a week and polished off the next two of the series a couple days after that. I’m an old, married lesbian whose bedtime is typically 9:30 or 10:00. But the […]